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Membership Program


CASFER operates via a membership model with multiple tiers to ensure broad participation by government and regulatory or policy bodies, small businesses, and corporations. Members of the innovation ecosystem participate via a membership model.

Gold Membership

Large Entities

500 or more employees

USD $60,000

Medium Entities

10 - 499 employees

USD $30,000

Small Entities

Less than 10 employees

USD $15,000

Gold Membership Benefits (Includes Silver Benefits)

Intellectual Property (IP)

Access to CASFER's novel technologies to produce, capture, recycle fertilizer, control and monitor fertilizer utilization novel with right to recommend IP filings.


Priority notification of IP filings. Exclusive rights to review unpublished claims. First option to negotiate a commercial use license. Final rights as "most favored licensee."


Silver Membership

Large Entities

500 or more employees

USD $30,000

Medium Entities

10 - 499 employees

USD $15,000

Small Entities

Less than 10 employees

USD $5,000

Silver Membership Benefits 


Access to CASFER experts in electrocatalysis, catalysis, separations, data science, modeling, sensors, and engineering economic analysis; professional interactions with a wide range of academia and agricultural industry leaders, and companies from the entire ag and water value chain.

Research Findings

Exclusive access to CASFER research findings, insider knowledge, and industry trends for R&D technology transfer, policy, and environmental aspects through biennial meetings, webinars, and quarterly newsletters.

Research Sponsorship

Sponsor individual research programs outside the CASFER Core, in areas related but not overlapping with the research funded by NSF, university cost-share, and industry membership fees. Submit joint proposals to other federal sponsors.


High visibility branding with all CASFER university partners, NSF, and other affiliated professional organizations.


Preferential access to talented, and highly-trained undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers. CASFER engineers are trained with the skills to advance the nitrogen circular economy and translate the principles of circular economy to the design of other engineering systems, while considering their own and global communities.

Sustainability and Circular Economy

Contribute to supporting decarbonization of agriculture, water and food sustainability. CASFER's technology will enable complete "organic" production of goods within the fertilizer industry, agricultural producers, and livestock industry.

Advisory Board

Exclusive seat on the CASFER Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) and invitation to attend biennial meetings and interact with CASFER leadership team, as well as NSF representatives. Gold Members get an additional seat in IP Oversight Board (IPOB).

Confidential Information

Right to request confidential information (requires NDA) on CASFER research, technology, and inventions for internal research and evaluation purposes.


Contribute to the education programs and workforce development of new generations of engineers through internships, seminars, speakers, and mentorship.

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